Founder: toyta kee

I’m Toyta Kee, and I’m the Founder of Loving Paws Inc., which is a nonprofit organization. I'm a mother, an educator, a prayer warrior, a mental health advocate, Christian coach and, best of all, a little sunshine on a cloudy day. God turned my pain into ministry and released the vision to provide a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals and their families who suffer from mental health disorders, and for that alone, I pledge to be a ray of sunshine to everyone that I come into contact with.

My vision for Loving Paws Inc. is to assist individuals with overcoming shame and breaking the silence of mental health disorders.  It is our mission to empower, educate, and bring awareness to individuals and their families who suffer from mental health disorders and don’t quite know how to cope with them.

If you don’t remember anything that I have said to you today, please remember that Love conquers all, and we can overcome any adversities that we are faced with. So let us continue to break the silence and the shame of mental health disorders.

Be Free!
Be Healed!
Be You!


Everyone has encountered a paw print. A paw print that left an imprint due to life experiences. Founder/Mother and Founder, Toyta Kee's paw print occurred when her daughter (Co-Founder) attempted suicide. It was at that moment that the mother-daughter team decided to birth the manifestation of their non-profit organization, Loving Paws Inc.